The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals

August 21, 2013

Mid-Year Tax Tips For Small Business Owners

The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals – August 21, 2013    You are probably still winding down from your busiest months of the year. As you close up homes for the colder months and finish up those last few home improvement projects of the summer, take some time to evaluate your accounting – specifically, your tax documentation. This is a great time to give your business finances a “check-up.”

Do not wait until the end of the year to frantically track down all of your receipts, deductions and revenue sources. Go through the file drawer, computer program or shoebox that you use for your tax documentation and get it organized. Even if you do not touch it again until January, at least you will have over half of a year of business in order.

Small business owners should take these tips into account when chronicling their tax liability.

1. Deduct home office expenses. This may include utilities, insurance and even home repairs.

2. Deduct vehicle use. As a handyman, you do all of your business outside of your home and can deduct the mileage for all of your work trips. Look back over the jobs that you have done to date for 2012 and be sure that you have recorded your mileage for each one. Calculate your total to date.

3. Find ways to take as many small business deductions as possible. Make sure that your employee records are up to date, as well as any other financial transactions. Money that you put into a retirement fund may also be tax deductible, as well as interest on any business debts.

4. Fill in holes. If you are missing documentation or information in your records, take the time to fill in the gaps. Track down any missing details so that you have less to find when tax season rolls around.

Being an ACHP member is about more than finding business, it is about being part of your industry, networking, and supporting the greater good, helping set standards, and growth for all.

Give your business the credibility it needs.  As a member you will receive key benefits that will help you when you need it most.  Membership proves your success and reliability as a competent professional. Having an ACHP Certification also demonstrates that you have the knowledge and credibility to deliver quality customer service and craftsmanship as a handyman.


The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals™


Join the fastest growing handyman association in the US, Canada, and UK.  ACHP is dedicated to improving the handyman industry.  Open to all who qualify.


July 27, 2013

Handyman News – Heat Overload

MP900321111Customer’s will not put there lives in jeopardy neither should you.  Because of the summer heat, the handyman is called upon to do the dangerous task of working in the boiling heat of summer. For instance, performing tasks such as replacing wood rot, such as siding, fascia, soffits etc.

In the summer months, heat and humidity combine to slow evaporation of sweat from the body. Therefore, outdoor work becomes dangerous even for those handymen in decent shape.

Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.  Slow down and cool off when feeling fatigued, a headache, a high pulse rate or shallow breathing. Overheating can cause serious, even life-threatening conditions such as heat stroke.  Don’t be a hero and push yourself beyond what you’re body can handle.

Symptoms you should know:

Heat cramping:  Muscles tend to “cramp up” during the heat.  This is your body telling you it’s losing salts and necessary fluids that will need replenishing and rest.

Heat syncope or fainting: light headed, dizziness, and drop in blood pressure.  Your body is trying to tell you to stop and seek shade immediately – last warning before the inevitable.

Heat exhaustion: When your body temperature rises your body sweats out salts along with fluids.  The body will slowly shut down and render you unable to perform and think clearly.  Replenish those fluids consistently.

Heatstroke: In some cases extreme heat can upset the body’s thermostat, causing body temperature to rise to 105 degrees or higher. Symptoms are lethargy, confusion and unconsciousness. Even a suspicion that someone might be suffering from heatstroke requires immediate medical aid. Heatstroke can kill.

** you should always start drinking plenty of water the night before you perform the task as well as during. 

This safety message is brought to you by the Association of Certified Handyman Professionals. 

Being a member of The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals™ is about more than finding business, it is about being part of your industry and supporting the greater good, helping set standards, and growth for our industry.

Having an ACHP Certification proves your success and credibility as a professional handyman.  A serious handyman is an ACHP certified handyman. 

Join the fastest growing handyman association in the US, Canada, and UK.  ACHP is dedicated to improving the handyman industry.  Open to all who qualify.

July 10, 2013

Handyman Insurance – Canada and the UK










The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals (ACHP) currently offers handyman insurance for US members and is currently in discussions with its carrier to provide coverage in CANADA and the United Kingdom (UK).  Are you interested in lower insurance rates?  Please send us an email at: with how much you are over paying a yr and if you’re interested in cheaper group rates.  We will not contact you.  We are trying to build a case to get insurance to both countries.  We cannot achieve success unless we hear from Canadian and UK handymen.

May 5, 2013

ACHP Tip of the Month

Many of your customers like the idea of conserving water. Offer them rain barrels during the wet season. They’re easy to build out of barrels or plastic garbage cans and pvc plumbing. You can be the talk of the neighborhood.

August 8, 2012

Gutters. See Why you Really Need Them.

Signs your customer needs gutters.  Water run-off management is the key to keep your home free of wood rot, soil erosion, and termite damage.


Poorly installed drip edge will eventually damage fascia and soffits.  The purpose of a drip edge is for run-off to drip away from fascia not onto fascia..